Sunday, March 18, 2007

Two sides of the table, or several more?

We live today in a visual culture where the body plays a dominant role. Mainly, this is an interest of aesthetics and identity. But, sometimes also of medicine. This visuality has its root in the period of the whole renaissance, modernity, the new era, etc,: 16th century. The main book in this phase was written by a certain Andreas Varselius, and had illustrations like this anatomical drawing.

Here, I used to think that: Hm... "Normal" people have denied and rejected disabled people for years!

But: Look at Versalius himself: One of the little people, probably suffering from hypochondroplasia - he was a man of "short stature" presumably with skeletal problems as well.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Xbox disability - it can be anything

the wish is actually simpler than that - I want to locate a strange-bodied, anywhere en the range between Dr. No and X-men.

xbox disability?

This blog is also kind of a wishlist. And at this very moment - and hopefully never again - my main wish is as following: I wish someone could give me a tip on a game with one or several disabled characters!

Any ideas?